TNSAVE is conducting post-disaster structural evaluation training. Our goal is to have 7000 trained inspectors. If you want to help people in their darkest hour using your professional training and experience, we invite you to sign up for TNSAVE and become certified by taking one of our upcoming classes. 

TNSAVE is comprised of professional organizations whose objective is to help the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) develop and maintain a post-disaster building inspector program. TNSAVE serves TEMA and the State of Tennessee to train and organize building inspectors for disasters such as earthquakes, tornados and floods. TNSAVE Members are usually engineers, architects, building inspectors/enforcement, or other construction and design professionals with an interest in serving following a disaster. 

To be eligible to volunteer to perform building evaluations for TEMA following a disaster, you must have taken our training or an approved alternate within the last 3 years. Here is information about upcoming trainings:


You’ve taken the training, now we are putting it into practice and testing our capabilities. A live exercise will be held on May 16, 2025 in Nashville, TN.    (Sign Up Here).


The official name of this exercise is TNCAT 2025.  TEMA organizes an exercise every year to give agencies an opportunity to work together in a drill so they can be better prepared at the time of an emergency.   Your participation is essential to making this exercise a success.


For our part, we will test the following capabilities:


You’ll get a push notification from us the day before the deployment, asking if you can deploy (to the simulated damage site).  This is us testing our system.  We will aggregate your responses and organize the deployment for the following day. In the past, we texted notices to you.  Now, we use push notifications in an app called FCA (Field Control Analytics) to alert our volunteers about deployment.  

You will perform the safety evaluations you learned in our training. We have access to a campus.  Building damage will be simulated.  You’ll walk around the campus and evaluate the buildings.

You will download and use the Survey 123 App to document your evaluations, which will be uploaded and viewed statewide, including in the State of Tennessee Emergency Operations Center (The Pit).

EMAC stands for Emergency Management Assistance Compact.   It’s the way that states request resources from other states.   In this case, TEMA will be sending requests to surrounding states for trained personnel (like you) to perform safety evaluations.  


Interested?   Sign up here.      



Want more?  Do you want to help organize and manage this event?   Email us at

TNSAVE will be hosting four training sessions in 2025!  Virtual attendance opportunities may be available.  All dates are subject to change.  Registration links will be provided once dates and locations are finalized. 

March 28, 2025 - Nashville, TN

April 14, 2025 - Tennessee Building Officials Association (3-hr Short Course)

July 11, 2025 - East Tennessee

October 17, 2025 - West Tennessee

The trainings are being offered FREE of charge, unless noted otherwise, and is being funded by a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP).

Regardless of whether you attend one of the classes, you can become a member of TNSAVE by filling out this form. 


The free courses listed below are recommended, but not required for TNSAVE members.  PDH and CEU certificates are awarded upon completion. 

FEMA provided training (Online, Self-Paced)

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

       ICS-100 - Introduction  *

      ICS-200 - ICS for Single resource and Initial Action Incidents  *

      ICS-700.B - An Introduction to the National Incident Management System  *

      ICS-703.B - National Incident Management System Resource Management  *

      IS-706 - NIMS Intrastate Mutual Aid - An Introduction  *

      IS-800.D - National Response Framework, An Introduction  *

IS-8.A - Building for the Earthquakes of Tomorrow: Complying with Executive Order 12699

IS-21.24 - Civil Rights and FEMA Disaster Assistance

IS-26 - Guide to Points of Distribution

IS-27 - Orientation to FEMA Logistics

IS-35.24 - FEMA Safety Orientation

IS-120.C - An Introduction to Exercises

IS-162 - Hazard Mitigation Floodplain Management in Disaster Operations

IS-201 - Forms Used for the Development of the Incident Action Plan

IS-201.A - Forms used for the development of the Incident Action Plan and Incident Management

IS-203 - Fundamentals of Emergency Management

IS-235.C - Emergency Planning


TEMA provided training (In-Person)

S101 - TEMA 101, June 26, 2024, TEMA HQ

G400 - Advanced Incident Command System (ICS), July 8-9, 2024, Williamson County

G400 - Advanced Incident Command System (ICS), July 11-12, 2024, Putnam County

G400 - Advanced Incident Command System (ICS), July 16-17, 2024, Shelby County

G400 - Advanced Incident Command System (ICS), August 13-14, 2024, Davidson County

G300 - Intermediate Incident Command System (ICS), August 20-22, Knox County

G400 - Advanced Incident Command System (ICS), October 1-2, 2024, Knox County

S101 - TEMA 101, October 3, 2024, TEMA HQ


Missouri Emergency Management (SEMA)

MGT482 - Disaster Recovery: Public Assistance Programs, An Introduction, July 17-18, 202, Blue Springs, MO

G428 - Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) Train the Trainer, August 7-9, 2024, Pacific, MO

MGT415 - Disaster Recovery in Rural COmmunities, August 20, 2024, West Plains, MO

*  denotes training that is required to hold a leadership position within the TNSAVE organization